SAF UK reaches Oslo, Norway to support the Flood Affectees

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.


We extended our fundraiser to Oslo, Norway where we were joined by the Pakistani community to raise much-needed funds. Mr. Aamir Sheikh, graciously hosted the fundraiser to support SAF Flood Relief Campaign. The success of the fundraiser was possible with the support of Former Norwegian PM Mr. Kjell Magne Bondevik and Pakistani Ambassador Mr. Babar Amin and other like-minded people.

SAF UK Fundraisers in Edinburgh with Younis Khan for the Flood Affectees

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.


The fundraisers were organized in Edinburgh, Scotland with the support of the World Care Foundation on 8th & 9th October the events were joined by Younus Khan and patrons to advocate the importance of supporting the flood affectees and share with them the plan SAF has to help affectees, build back their lives. The fundraiser was a huge success and SAF raised funds to support 100 families in Sindh.

The annual boat Race Fundraiser

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

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Boat race is an amazing way to unite both competitors and communities together behind a common cause. The SAF UK team participated in the Al-Noor dragon boat race. The teams successfully competed and raised funds to benefit the people in need ensuring Hope stays Not Out. It was a great day out but also a brilliant way to get really active and raise funds at the same time.

Bahrain Fundraiser’ 22

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

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SAF Bahrain Chapter organised a private fundraiser to support SAF initiatives being implemented across the country. The fundraiser was attended by the reputed and affluent Pakistani community, who came forward with open hearts to support SAF causes. The fundraiser was attended by Chairman Shahid Afridi in person who briefed the crowd about SAF initiatives and how each initiative is creating impact to uplift underserved communities.

We are extremely grateful to all our donors who came forward and joined hands with SAF to ensure Hope stays Not Out for underserved communities across the country.

SAF Student Network

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

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In our efforts to change lives and enrich them, SAF UK Student Network brought like-minded people together for a cause. An online event was hosted for 21 universities SAF has been working with this year, where Wasim Khan, CEO of Pakistan Cricket Board joined them, sharing his career experiences while hosting a candid Q&A session.