SAF Student Network

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

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In our efforts to change lives and enrich them, SAF UK Student Network brought like-minded people together for a cause. An online event was hosted for 21 universities SAF has been working with this year, where Wasim Khan, CEO of Pakistan Cricket Board joined them, sharing his career experiences while hosting a candid Q&A session.

Step For SAF

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

SAF UK organized ‘Step for SAF’ with multinational corporation BT, and their Muslim Network. The staff at BT raised funds for the cause by taking sponsored walks for SAF. There was a live Q&A session post the event, attended by staff across BT globally. Shahid Afridi, Chairman SAF and Saima Khan, Executive Director Shahid Afridi UK, answered questions ranging anywhere between cricket and Foundation work.

Night of Hope’ 22 – Sydney and Melbourne

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

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SAF has been at the forefront in advancing its mission through the achievement of equitable and sustainable development to transform the lives of people living under the margins. Night Of Hope 2022 was part of our efforts to marginalize poverty and reduce inequality. We were absolutely honored to be welcoming MP Anne Stanley Werriwa and Hon Zahid Hafeez, High Commissioner for Pakistan to the Commonwealth of Australia at the Sydney fundraiser and MP Frank McGuire and Consul General Pakistan Syed Mozam Shah at Melbourne fundraiser and all our guests and sponsors at the Night of Hope 2022. SMEC acknowledging our efforts at the event presented us with the certificate and letter of thanks.

We are amazed and so much thankful at the outpouring of support from our donors and sponsors as due to them, we were able to reach our fundraising targets. We will be able to expand our health programs, provide education, access to safe water, create food security and save more lives because of their trust on Shahid Afridi Foundation to improve the lives of the people of Pakistan.

Celebrating Pakistan Week with a passion

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

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SAF UK partnered with universities across UK to invite our next generation in joining forces with SAF endeavors and raising awareness for SAF initiatives, by appealing to the youth of today. Students of London South Bank University and Kings College London celebrated Pakistan Week to promote a positive image of Pakistan and help raise funds for SAF initiatives. During Pakistan Week, Chairman, Shahid Afridi joined students at Kings College London to celebrate the 8th anniversary of Shahid Afridi Foundation. The students pledged their support to our Chairman, to play a part in the progress and prosperity.

Hope For Health’ 22

The charity match took place in Loughton, Essex where SAF was kindly hosted by Loughton CC.

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The difference in access to quality healthcare between the poorer and more affluent members of society demonstrates the deep inequality in Pakistan. To provide the underserved with better health and well-being, SAF initiated Hope For Health 2022 across 4 major cities of the UK; London, Birmingham, Bradford, and Manchester. The campaign was led by our Chairman Shahid Afridi, joined by actor Adnan Siddiqui.

HOPE for Health 2022 is an invitation for a healthier Pakistan so that the most vulnerable can have access to quality & affordable healthcare and prevention services. We would like to express gratitude to everyone who made the events successful and to our sponsors for being the backbone for the cause. We reached our fundraising goal and were able to raise enough funds to benefit those in need in our community towards ensuring Hope – Not Out!